Sunday, September 6, 2009


HEY GUYS STEVE DID A HARD 62KMs 2DAY AND WE NEARLY LOST HIM IN A RIVER!!!DAMMITAdrian n Lulu had to help him out n the river was freeziinnng so they warmed him up in long hot shower he says he is ok;] they r in Hamburg tonight....... AFTER SOME CALCULATION STEVES BEEN GOING 4 15 DAYS WITH 2 REST DAYS AND DONE AN AVERAGE OF 47,08KMs A DAY... THATS MORE THAN A MARATHON;P... Wow steve u r truely smthing else

lots of love xxxxxx


  1. We warned Steve to watch out for sharks but never imagined that cold water would be more dangerous!! Keep it up we are following the run each step of the way! Go steve go!!! love to all of you Lulu and Adrian as well! xmia

  2. My name is Tallie an I were Fishing at Hamburg and left just before the mexican arrived
    would like to get in touch with the wife Ithink it is Lulu she was with the English lad from Kent in the UK


  3. my time is 18H17 and not 09h14 as indicated on your blog can it be rectified or is there a reason for displaying the wrong time

  4. Just starting to figure out whos who
    First of all Lee Jay Read a little about you and dont give up hope thinking about you.

    Steve I thaught that you were a Mexican sorry and all the best with the running.

    Lulu are the frienly good looking mexican that I met at Hamburg never introduced myself ..."Tallie"

    Adrian young lad from Kent

    Hope I've got it right this time
